Upcoming dates

Fall MEC Meeting

Event Date

Our Fall MEC Meeting will be held October 15-17 at the Hyatt Rosemont in Chicago, IL. During this upcoming meeting, we will discuss the business of our Union and collaborate on ways to address member concerns and issues across the system.

Flight Attendants are critical in maintaining our structure and supporting our future. When we participate in Union Meetings, both Locally and at the Master Executive Council, we can contribute to our democratic process.

During the Fall Meeting, the MEC body will elect a member position on the Central Scheduling Committee and a Chairperson of the Human Rights and Equity Committee. We encourage all interested candidates to consider running for these positions, as your voice and leadership are essential for shaping our Union’s future. Please visit the AFA website and your Local Council for more details on each position and how to submit your willingness to serve.

We invite all Members in good standing to attend and participate in the democracy of our Union. Complimentary shuttle transportation will be provided between the Hyatt Rosemont and Chicago O’Hare Airport every 30 minutes.

Visit our United MEC Fall Meeting page on UnitedAFA.org to learn more about the meeting and stay informed as more information is made available. We look forward to welcoming you!