Reserve “Short Call” Reminders

Section 8.K.1. of the JCBA provides a Reserve will be given 15 hours’ notice before the departure time of their assignment with the exception that a lesser notice may be given when the need for a Reserve cannot be determined at least 15 hours in advance of the flight.

While every attempt will be made to assign a Ready Reserve at least 3 hours prior to check-in, there may occasionally be circumstances that prevent this. When a Ready Reserve receives a less than 3 hours’ notice to report, it is referred to as a “short-call.” Here are some important things to remember if you are given a short-call: 

  • Always verbally confirm with the scheduler that you are being given a short-call, and ask them to note it in the comment history of your Master Schedule. This will help to expedite the reimbursement process for the cost of any necessary transportation (see below).
  • You may not “refuse” a short-call. In fact, a Reserve receiving less than 3 hours’ notice prior to check-in is required to “attempt to make the assignment,” as provided in Section 8.K.2. of the Contract.
  • Scheduling may instruct a short-called Reserve to report to the base or directly to the gate or aircraft.
  • In all situations, Reserves are accountable for reporting within 3 hours of the first attempted telephone notification, regardless of a “short-call” designation.
  • Reserves who make a reasonable effort to make the assigned flight but end up missing it are contractually protected, as long as they arrive within 3 hours of the first attempted call from Crew Scheduling.
  • There will be no discipline or attendance points assessed if it is determined that every reasonable effort was made. Each case is reviewed on its own merits by the Flight Attendant’s local base supervisor.

Remember, if a Reserve determines that it is necessary to take a cab/Uber/Lyft in order to make the check-in time for a short call, they shall be reimbursed for the total actual expenses for that ride, as provided in Section 5.D.3. of the JCBA. Inflight Scheduling may also authorize full reimbursement of a return ride after the conclusion of the pairing, and in all other cases a $10 allowance from the airport will be allotted. 

If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council.