August 28th will be a monumental day for United Flight Attendants. It has been four decades since the last Section 6 strike vote took place at our airline, and in 2024 the time has come for us to utilize this strategic part of our bargaining process under the Railway Labor Act (RLA).
There are still six days left to make your voice heard! If you have not yet had the opportunity to cast your Strike Authorization Vote you can submit your ballot online here! Voting closes August 28th, 12pm ET. Your YES vote is a direct message to management that we expect an industry-leading Contact and we are willing to do whatever it takes.
Culminating our Strike Authorization Vote, we will take to the airports for a system wide informational picketing to Unleash our Power! Live from Chicago, our MEC President Ken Diaz will reveal the final results of the Strike Authorization Vote. This will be an incredible moment of Solidarity as we come together in the fight for our future.
August 28th, make sure your ‘YES’ vote is in, dust off your uniform, don your RED lanyard and RED AFA pin and meet us on the line! RSVP today.