Upcoming dates

9/11 Memorial Ceremony

Unleashing our Power - Day of Action!

Event Date

Join us August 28th for our system-wide Day of Action to show United management that we are willing to do whatever it takes to get the industry-leading contract we deserve. We will not accept concessions or delays on our future! We are ready for an industry- leading contract NOW!

We’re ready to Unleash Our Power, with a Day of Action informational picket announcing our Strike Authorization results to the world.

Our Day of Action will demonstrate our solidarity to management and the traveling public, and provide over 14 opportunities at our bases to join the informational picket in support of our future.

RSVP HERE to join us on August 28th! Whether walking the line, or joining us in solidarity in a virtual picket on social media, there are countless opportunities to make your voice heard!

RSVP, mark your calendars, press your uniforms, wear your RED AFA pin, and we will see you soon!