The systems crash caused by the CrowdStrike update has had a severe impact on the Operation, and our industry as a whole.
Scheduling has informed us that in order to better manage the operation, they will be staggering out flight cancellations. We recognize this is having an impact on all of us. In addition to our IRROPS guide the following information will be useful as the company works through the recovery.
If you are already at a hotel, and your flight has been canceled, or delayed to the extent where you are no longer legal to operate your next flight segment, remain at the hotel.
If you have arrived at a layover hotel, and do not have sufficient legal rest, remain at the hotel until updated by Crew Scheduling.
When contacting crew scheduling, designate one individual from a crew to be the contact. Doing so will reduce the call volume to scheduling. If you are in a HUB Location, seek assistance from the Local Base Leadership. They will have resources to assist in securing lodging for crews.
Be sure to contact the correct department for hotels, Crew Scheduling is not able to provide you with accommodations.
If you end up sleeping on an aircraft, the domicile, or a terminal, you will not be expected to operate a flight until you have had sufficient, legal rest, at a hotel. Self-Help is not a requirement, but if you choose to, and are able to secure self-help, be sure to get a copy of the bill in order to secure reimbursement.
Always be respectful and patient with each other, and Crew Scheduling as they work to get the operation up and running. Your Union leadership is working with the company to work through individual issues as they come up. Contact your local council for assistance.