EAP Holiday Support and Resources

EAP Holiday Support and Resources

The holiday season is often characterized by joy and togetherness. But, for many Flight Attendants and their loved ones, it can sometimes be a difficult time of year.

Our career choice means that while we herald in the holiday season for many, connecting people around the world with loved ones, we often have to sacrifice time with our own family and friends. This can be difficult not only for us to be away from home, but for our families.

The holiday season can also be a time when stress, anxiety, depression, and loss become amplified. Know that these are things that millions of people struggle with and that no one needs to be alone when finding solutions.

Whether you are experiencing any of this while flying or at home, your AFA Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is here to help you navigate the ups and downs of the holiday season. No matter where you are in the world trained volunteers are available to confidentially assist you with anything you may be struggling with.

EAP Resources:
AFA-EAP International Help Line 1(800)-424-2406
Overseas Support
Holidays and Stress Management