Enough is Enough – United MEC to Convene Emergency Special MEC Meeting

Enough is Enough – United MEC to Convene Emergency Special MEC Meeting

Management continues to demonstrate their refusal to support us during irregular operations and their blatant disregard for the terms of our Contract.

Enough is enough! United Master Executive Council (MEC) President Ken Diaz has called an Emergency Special Meeting of the United MEC for 5:00 PM Central Time on Wednesday, August 2, 2023. He has invited AFA International President Sara Nelson and AFA Legal to join the meeting, demonstrating the full weight and resources of our Union.

The United MEC will meet to discuss and determine all options to enforce our Contract and correct management’s failures.

We must take action together to address the continued mismanagement of the response to operational meltdowns, scheduling chaos, Contract violations, and the ongoing decline in Flight Attendant morale.

Management has had a year to address call-volumes and utterly failed to do so. There is no accountability and barely even an acknowledgement of what we are being forced to live through.

United management is attempting to blame Flight Attendants for the use of sick leave much like they tried to blame the FAA for their inability to plan and respond during the operational meltdown over July 4th holiday travel. Flight Attendants are not just sick, they are sick and tired of the abuse.

Only just recently is senior management acknowledging the need for “improvements to crew technology.” We made recommendations last Summer to leverage automation to reduce call volumes that have not been acted on.

The time for patience was last summer, the time for discussion was yesterday, the time for action is now. We will report back after the meeting on the next steps. Stay tuned and take care of each other.