National Caribbean-American Heritage Month

National Caribbean-American Heritage Month

June marks the celebration of National Caribbean-American Heritage Month in the United States. As Flight Attendants, we have the privilege of exploring different regions of the world, immersing ourselves in diverse cultures, and savoring the unique culinary experiences each country has to offer. The Caribbean region is no exception, with its vibrant traditions and captivating features.

The establishment of National Caribbean-American Month in 2004 through legislative bill H.Res.425, sponsored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee, symbolizes the importance of commemorating the history and progress of the United States through the invaluable contributions of Caribbean-Americans. The month of June has been designated as a time to recognize and honor the heritage of Caribbean-Americans.

The Caribbean-American community in the United States primarily consists of immigrants from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti, and Trinidad and Tobago. Their presence has greatly enriched our nation, contributing to its innovation, prosperity, arts, culture, public institutions, and economy.

Within our union, we foster a strong bond by embracing and appreciating the diverse cultures represented among our members. By understanding and valuing each other's heritage, we collectively grow and stand stronger in our diversity. During National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, we proudly support and celebrate the countless achievements and contributions of the Caribbean-American community, which have greatly influenced and enhanced our country.