Celebrating Black History Month

Black History Month

With February now here, we spend the month celebrating Black History Month, a month where he celebrate the contributions that Black Americans have made to our nation. Last year, the AFA-CWA highlighted Ruth Carol Taylor, the first African American flight attendant in the United States.

On February 11, 1958, Ruth Carol Taylor worked her first flight at Mohawk Airlines. She was the first African-American Flight Attendant in the United States. Only six months after breaking one historic barrier, Taylor's career ended due to another discriminatory policy: the airline's marriage ban, a common practice among airlines of the day of dismissing Flight Attendants who became either married or pregnant. Watch AFA's tribute to Ruth Carol Taylor.

While we have come a long way, it should be remembered that Ruth Carol Taylor's journey began during some of our lifetimes. This is not ancient history, which is why we continue to fight for racism, poverty, and inequality to this day.