MEC Government Affairs Committee
We are down to the final days before the general election! If you have not voted early or by mail yet, the time is NOW to make sure you have a plan in place and get to the polls. The results of this election will directly impact the success of our collective bargaining and protect our right to strike under the Railway Labor Act.
The importance of electing a labor-friendly administration cannot be understated. The President appoints two of the three members to the National Mediation Board (NMB). The NMB is the governing body that decides whether or not to release us to a 30-day cooling-off period and subsequently to a strike if we reach an impasse in our negotiations. We need labor-friendly elected officials who support collective bargaining and our right to strike.
We have a long history of labor-friendly legislators who have backed Flight Attendant priorities and stood alongside labor in Washington. For the 2024 general election, AFA-CWA has endorsed the following candidates based on their track record supporting Flight Attendant and Labor issues and their responses to our questionnaires: AFA Endorsed Candidates for 2024 Election - Association of Flight Attendants-CWA
Since the last election, many states have cracked down on voter rosters and removed past voters for a variety of reasons. While many states' voter registration deadlines have passed, there are still many where you can register in person and up to election day.
Check your status here: States - Election Protection and learn more about additional ways to register, and polling locations in your district at vote411.org/AFACWA.
Make your vote count! Make your plan to vote today!