Calling all members of AFA! The Master Executive Council will be hosting a Strike Vote Webinar on August 20, 2024, at 4:00 PM CT. This will be a unique opportunity to get your strike vote questions answered and hear from AFA Leadership, AFA Legal Council, and our Negotiators. The information you receive will be extremely beneficial in understating the strike vote process, and where we are at in negotiations.
Stay tuned for more information and how to access our strike authorization ALL CALL and submit your question here.
The Strike Vote Authorization Continues!
The turnout has been phenomenal after our first full week of open voting. Over a third of our active population has cast their vote! However, the work is not done. In just the first four days that voting was open, 38.7% had already voted!
“United Flight Attendants can’t afford to wait for improvements. We deserve an industry-leading contract, and we are ready to show United management that we will do whatever it takes,” said Ken Diaz, president of the United chapter of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, representing 28,000 United Airlines Flight Attendants. “There is no time to waste. Our negotiations are at a critical state, the issues are clear, and the time to act is now.”
You have the power to vote and make your voice heard in this process until August 28th at noon EST. A strike authorization vote is a step towards receiving a contract we have earned.
Important Reminders for Voting;
- NO ONE can see your vote or if you voted. Your vote is confidential and cannot be accessed by anyone, AFA nor management. AFA only receives the percentage of the active population that has voted as a whole.
- Flight Attendants who have graduated from Initial Training by April 27th, 2024 are eligible to vote. As stated in the United Strike Authorization Vote guide, you need 4 months of active service to be eligible to vote.
- Voting YES does not mean you will be forced to strike. A YES vote is a show of solidarity that we will do whatever it takes, as a collective group, to secure the contract we deserve that recognizes our contributions to the success of United.
Eligibility to Vote:
- All active AFA Members in good standing (dues current, active AFA Member) are eligible to vote. Members ineligible due to non-payment of dues will be notified when attempting to vote and directed to the AFA Membership Department to become current in order to vote.
- Inactive Members (Unpaid Leaves of Absence of more than 3 months, etc.) may choose to “leave and remain active” to continue payment of dues during the leave in order to be eligible to vote. Contact the AFA Ballot Help Line at (844) 232-2228, extension 2, to complete the process to “leave and remain active.”
- This can be completed retroactively if you did not request to leave and remain active at the start of your leave. In order to accomplish this, you would need to pay any dues owed on your account and dues from the last month of your 3-month dues obligation through at least August 2024.
- Example: Your unpaid leave began January 1, 2024. The 3-month dues obligation is January, February and March (paid). If you wish to remain active in accordance with the AFA Constitution you would need to advise AFA Membership of your desire to remain active and pay dues from April 2024 through August 2024.