Weekend Absence Certificates and Family Medical Leave

The Union has been receiving many questions from Flight Attendants about when and how they are supposed to provide an absence certificate under the company’s new July 20th announcement, especially as it relates to Family Medical Leave. For over a week now we have had the same questions as you, and tried to get direct answers from management, but to no avail. We are as confused as you.

The Union has filed an MEC grievance last week (MEC 8-24) over the requirement to provide an absence certificate for weekend sick calls/FML. In addition, a July 23rd Scheduling Alert from the company stated that “An absence certificate/physician verification is required for any absence where the employee will be paid by United from their sick bank.” The Alert does not state whether unpaid Family Medical Leave (or other leaves) requires an absence certificate.

Given the lack of guidance, we suggest that you direct questions about absence certificates to your manager and/or supervisor – especially questions related to Family Medical Leave. We also suggest you try to get answers in writing. Whatever problems Flight Attendants run into are reason to fill out a Worksheet at the Local level, which should be linked to the MEC grievance.

We are all Flight Attendants. We are all frustrated and insulted by the company’s actions. If you have not yet done so, please sign the petition to United management to start respecting Flight Attendants and stop violating our Contract:   https://actionnetwork.org/letters/respect-me-and-my-contract/