On Tuesday, February 13th, United, Alaska, Air Wisconsin, American, Southwest, and more picketed outside more than 30 airports as part of a worldwide day of action in the U.S., the U.K., and Guam. While our Unions and airlines may differ, our mission is the same, to secure industry-leading Contracts that accurately represent our contributions to the success of our respective airlines.
Your participation and support made this day the success that it was. You put a face on the harsh realities of negotiations and shamed management for their greed. For too long, airline management has attempted to devalue our work while simultaneously raking in the profits of our labor. This ends now. It is time for management to realize that regardless of where we fly, we stand together, united in the fight for our profession.
An attack on one of us, unionized or not, is an attack on all of us. Flight Attendants stick together. Remember, when Flight Attendants are under attack, what do we do? STAND UP! FIGHT BACK!
The fight for the future is now. This historic event marked the unity and strength of Flight Attendants. With over 100,000 Flight Attendants represented, our message is clear: no concessions. Contract NOW!
We will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder until all Flight Attendants have the contract they deserve.
WATCH: LAX Flight Attendants Fight Back