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Fall MEC Meeting

Save The Date: System-Wide Day of Action

Event Date

Day of Action

Deck the halls with Day of Action. Fa-la-la-la-la la-Contract NOW!

On Thursday, December 14th, we will come together, System-wide for a Day of Action.

Together we will further demonstrate our resolve. Together, we will secure a contract that achieves our collective priorities and reflects our contributions to our airline's success.

On October 26th, we would not be ignored. On December 14th we will make it clear that United Flight Attendants have had enough! We will stand resolved against management’s assault on our quality of life and speak out against delays in concluding these negotiations.

The face of United is the face of the labor movement. We will not be stopped. We will not be silenced.

Mark your calendars, tell your friends and family, and make a plan to join us on the informational picket line! Stay tuned for more specific details.