Impact of Operational Challenges

Impact of Operational Challenges

It goes without saying, the events of the past several days caused by successive days of irregular operations, have impacted all of us. The levels of frustration are high and it feels as if there is no solution in sight – especially for those who have been on duty for extended periods of time.

Let’s call all of this what it is – unacceptable. We aren’t here to make excuses for the circumstances that are adversely impacting each of you. But, like it or not, we need to be involved in discussions with management in order to find solutions and that will provide each of you with some clear direction on what your next steps should be in a variety of situations with which we are being faced.

During our discussions to find solutions, we have expressed your frustration and anger to Inflight management. We’ve discussed the unacceptability of the current state of the airline and are pressing Inflight management to find solutions. Equally, Inflight management understands the frustration and has told us they are committed to doing all possible to find solutions in order to fully recover from the adverse weather. Click here to continue reading...