Mailing Union Dues Statements Resumes

Mailing Union Dues Statements Resumes

As you may recall, last year we reported there was a technology issue that affected the Membership and Dues system used by our staff at the International Office in Washington, D.C.  The magnitude of the issue was fairly significant, and it required our staff to essentially “rebuild” our dues records before getting the system up and running for the processing of current month dues.  We are pleased to report that work has been accomplished and we are able to return to a process where these statements can be sent to the Membership on a more regular basis.

We are receiving some questions which suggest we should review when, in fact, dues are owed under our AFA Constitution if not deducted.  Dues are owed if:

  • You are on a paid absence status such as sick leave or extended occupational illness status (where you are supplementing your TTD payment with hours from your sick leave bank resulting in pay from United Airlines, and
  • You are on an unpaid leave (except military) – for the first three (3) months of the leave

As part of the normal business process of the Union, we regularly send statements to our members when they have an outstanding dues balance.  This typically occurs when the individual does not have sufficient money left after all other deductions are satisfied on the mid-month paycheck from which dues can be collected.  Given the large number of COLAs, there have been instances where the mid-month paycheck has not been sufficient to allow these deductions to be taken.  When deductions are not taken and there is an outstanding dues balance, this can impact a Members ability to fully participate in their Union through Local Elections or any Contract ratification.  Please keep in mind, our intention is to let you know if advance that there is an outstanding balance.  You can also monitor this by reviewing your mid-month paycheck.  If Union dues were not deducted from the check, it is likely you have an outstanding balance due.

Members who wish to pay the outstanding balance can do so using the dues payment link on our website at United AFA-CWA via Credit Card. If you feel you received the letter in error or that the outstanding balance is incorrect, we encourage you to first review your mid-month pay advice.  

Remember, we pay dues one month in arrears. For example, if you receive a statement indicating your March 2021 dues are owed, look at your April 2021 pay advice to determine if dues were deducted.  If, after you’ve done that research, you still have questions, contact our Membership Services Department using the following link: Our International Office Staff will be able to review your payment history and guide you to a resolution and will assist in making any necessary adjustments, if applicable.